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HackPGH Members Site
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Membership level
Annual Membership
- $800.00 (USD)
Subscription period: 1 year
No automatically recurring payments
Disability Discounted Membership - 1 Month
- $55.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Monthly
No automatically recurring payments
A discounted membership for those with disabilities. Please email the Board of Directors with proof: we accept Social Security approval, Long-Term Disability approval, and physician's notes. You may block out any private information. The Board of Directors will NEVER share any information regarding membership types, disability, and/or financial infromation.
Disability Membership - 1 Month - Autopay
- $50.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Monthly
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
A discounted membership for those with disabilities. Please email the Board of Directors with proof: we accept Social Security approval, Long-Term Disability approval, and physician's notes. You may block out any private information. The Board of Directors will NEVER share any information regarding membership types, disability, and/or financial infromation.
Individual - 1 Month
- $75.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Monthly
No automatically recurring payments
Default Membership
Individual - 1 Month - Autopay
- $70.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Monthly
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Military - 1 Month
- $65.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Monthly
No automatically recurring payments
Military- 1 Month - Autopay
- $60.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Monthly
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Senior - 1 Month
- $65.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Monthly
No automatically recurring payments
Senior - 1 Month - Autopay
- $60.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Monthly
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
Student - 1 Month
- $55.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Monthly
No automatically recurring payments
Student - 1 Month - Autopay
- $50.00 (USD)
Subscription period: Monthly
Automatic renewal (recurring payments)
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