This class will educate on the fundamental concepts of commonly used household power tools and safety protocols. It is designed for those who may be looking to explore the use of power tools that can be used in their everyday life to save costs and empower your inner DIY (do-it-yourself) spirit. Students will be led in going over safety practices and the potential issues that can surface with each tool. Each student will have the opportunity to practice with the power tools. The instructor will be available to answer any project-specific questions at the end to help you foster your DIY journey!
Students will leave with an understanding and safety training on the following:
- Drill and Driver
- Miter and Circular / Track Saw
- Jigsaw / Oscillating Tool
- Orbital Sander
Structure: This class will involve one 2-hour group session. Bathrooms and beverages are available on premise. All supplies and safety equipment are provided by HackPGH.
Safety glasses must be worn during all tool usage
Masks will be provided and strongly encouraged for use during dusty tasks
Dates/Times: 7:00pm-9:00pm, Saturday, February 1st, 2024
Requirements: No woodworking experience needed. All supplies and safety equipment will be provided. Please remove dangling jewelry, wear long pants, wear closed-toed shoes, and tie any long hair back for your safety!
Office Hours: Optional and by appointment. Please reach out if you need assistance after the class. Instructor can also provide online support via Slack and/or email.
Instructor: Cass Griger
Class Size: 10 people
Age Requirements: Must be 13+ (minors must be accompanied by an adult)
Cost: $5-$20 sliding scale - pay what you can afford. Cost includes materials and instruction. No-shows will NOT be refunded. If you need to cancel, please contact HackPGH at least 48 hours before the class date!
Interested in becoming a member? Ask about HackPGH's standard shop tour and orientation, which covers logistics pertaining to the space and special monthly discounts!
About our instructor! Cass (she/her) has been woodworking for nearly 8 years. She found woodworking as a way to claim her confidence in living independently and in style without breaking the bank. Cass is devoted to helping others expand their skills in all things wood and household DIY on a budget. She believes woodworking teaches us great lessons in patience, an appreciation for nature, and a deep love for the belief in ourselves to conquer challenging and fearful obstacles. To follow Cass, you can find her on Instagram at